(untuk memperbesar tampilan gambar, klik pada gambar)
Dari dulu sampai sekarang, gak ada buku pelajaran saya (baik yang cetak ataupun tulis) yang lolos dari coretan gambar. Kalau selesai ngerjain soal tapi waktunya belum habis, saya gambar. Kalau kelar nyatat dari papan tulis tapi yang teman-teman lain belum selesai, saya gambar. Yang paling parah buku TOEFL saya pas SMA. Gak ada halaman yang gak saya gambarin, dan hampir semua gambarnya gede-gede. Ini jadi masalah pas ada yang mau pinjam. Untungnya digambar pake pensil, jadi aman. Cuma pegel aja pas hapusin semua gambarnya :)
BTW, hari ini ada 2 artikel baru lho di laman ini. Udah baca belum? :)
wa alaikum as-salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
BalasHapusThank you for your comment, sister :)
I'd like to advise you about drawing, sister, in Islam we're encouraged to avoid drawing images of living beings like humans and animals e.g. 'anime', 'manga' etc. because doing so is like resembling a Quality of Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala, which is His Ability to create mankind and living things? If you enjoy drawing though like I do, what I do when I draw 'humans' for teaching purposes, I omit/don't include the face and don't make the drawing very 'life like'.
Allah knows best :) just some advice from a sister in Islam who cares about Allah's Rules being followed and Muslims being on the right track insha-Allah :)
Thank you, by the way, for trying to add a google translator widget on your blog :)
take care and wasalaam
Thanks for your advice, sister :) As we know, there are so many ijtihaad about drawing, from haraam to makruh. Before decided to make this blog, I had read most of them, including the hadists related. Here’s the ijtihaad I follow (it's pretty long, but please don't be bored before reading it :) ).
HapusFor non-living beings, as we know, it’s fine to draw them (there’s no conflict about this matter among all mujtahid). For living beings, as long as it’s (1) not made purposely for idolatry, (2) not purposely resembling ALLAH’s creature, then it’s okay. I have no problem with point (1), but people often ask me about point (2), so here’s my explanation.
What I gasp about ‘resembling ALLAH’s creature’ is something like what realistic painters do with their realistic drawings. Human-like nose, human-like eyes, human-like mouth, all those human-like things, that’s what I avoid to draw (this is the reason why I rejected my friends’ requests to draw their faces). I believe you’ve ever seen Renaissance paintings or something similar. Yes, that’s what I think ‘resembling ALLAH’s creature’ means: ‘copying’ living beings into 2D version as similar as possible. The purpose of this kind of drawings is nothing but to gain a claim that the painters can make something similar to ALLAH’s creature, or even better. This is the purpose of drawings I despise the most (besides the one for idolatry, of course).
So, in conclusion, if your painting/drawing is nothing similar to any living beings (because you had modified it), and you have no intention to make it that way, then I don’t think there’s a problem with that.
That’s why I choose manga-style. You’re never going to see someone with manga-style face in real life, with eyes, nose, and mouth like the ones I draw here for my blog. Yes, it is eye. Yes, it is nose. Yes, it is mouth. But, is there any living beings having those kind of eye, nose, and/or mouth? I don’t think so.
This is the ijtihaad I follow. I appreciate the ijtihaad you choose to follow, sister, and I hope you’ll do the same to me. There are some people having the exact same ijtihaad as you here in my blog (no drawings of living beings), and they often make requests via e-mail with special memo, such as “please don’t include any living beings in this one” or “please don’t use a human here, use the tulip instead”, and I’m totally fine with that :)
ALLAH knows best.
I will, insha ALLAH :) May ALLAH always be with you, sister. Wassalam.
assalamu'alaikum Mbak Dhiba :3
BalasHapusLiat ini jadi inget, hampir semua buku saya (bahkan smpai skarang) selalu ada coret2an gambarnya :)
Seneng deh ketemu akhwat yang punya hobi sama.
Salam ukhuwah Mbak Dhiba ^^